Friday, 16 November 2012

Aperture of Your Camera, Effects and Effective Usage.

Learn  The Aperture setting of your DSLR & Semi-Professional Camera 
( Professional Series Photography Blog © Dr.Mousam Jefferin 2012 )

What do we Understand by Aperture - Its the Ring in side the Lens of your camera which open up and closes while you take photographs. Its the part of your lens which actually decide how much light will enter in your sensor for producing a photograph , so its simple ........

Aperture Blade (Closing)
Aperture Blades (Open)

If Aperture is Big Wide Open then More and More Light will enter 
and we will get Bright PhotographS.
Vice versa
If Aperture is Small, Narrow , and closing down Less Light will enter 
and we will get Dark Photograph.

Is it done NO. . . . . .
A Big and Wide Aperture also make your Depth of Field Very Shallow. Means area of Photograph which is in Sharp Focus will be very Less. again 
Vice versa 
A Small Narrow Aperture gives you Deep or wider Depth of Field. Means more area or subjects will be in sharp focus.

F /2.8  ----- Flower in Front left and Back (Pink one) are BLUR
(Original Photograph as taken in camera)

F /13 ------- All flowers are visible and in sharp focus
( Photograph has been brighten up in software ) 

So Some advantages and some disadvantages which can be exploit as per your need. Ideally we need to make balance of both the property for individual lens. Brightness of Picture and Depth of Focus area both different with different Lens. This property will be more prominent in Fix Focal Lens even a cheaper one and least  appreciable in Zoom lens.

How we say Wide and Narrow Aperture in Technical way - Aperture is shown in F Stop.
 ( Its Not SPOT its STOP) When Aperture is wide reading will Low in Number like F/1.8 or F/2 or F/2.8 if the Aperture is Narrow the reading will be  F/13 or F/16 OR F/22. Practically if Aperture in more open and allowing more light to enter reading will be F/1.8, 2, 2.8 and Vice Versa.

( Another Practical understanding is That If you Buy a Lens of 18-55mm F/3.5 at price of 100$ (Rs.5000/- INR ) Price of  18-55mm F/2.8 will be 10 times or 1000$ (Rs.50000/- INR) . This is because making wide Aperture lens need more precision and very higher optical technology . On the contrary a 35 or 50mm fix focal but F/1.8mm Lens will cost just 2 times or may be same price of 18-55mm F/3.5 BUT it is not a zoom lens at all, again it will give your pictures a very good Aperture Effects. In this Fix focal Category Long Focal Lenth lens like 100mm or 150mm with F/2.8 are costlier but again the Quality comes at a Price.)

Common Understanding Table.

1. Wide Aperture  F 1.8 / 2 / 2.8  - 
 BRIGHT PHOTO   -  SHALLOW AREA IN FOCUS - Total Background Blur
 ( Good for Low Light Photography , Night , Portrait , Macro)

2. Narrow Aperture F 13 / 18 / 22 -
 DARK PICTURE  -  MORE AREA IN FOCUS - Background Visible
 (Only for Day Light Photography, Landscapes, With Flash Photography)

If you practice the Aperture Setting repeatedly with your lens  you will understand it is very important part of Photography by DSLR cos this decide a lot of thing in your Photographs.
 This was Part one will post some more details of Aperture very soon

Dr.Mousam Jefferin

©Dr.Mousam Jefferin 2012
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Dr.Mousam Jefferin Photography

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

How To Photograph a Landscape

How To Photograph a Landscape

The Second Most Common area after Garden where we show our Photography skill.....
Are we really Skilled enough to take good Landscape shots , Lets Find Out

Pure Landscape Photography is Very easy and if done following all the Rules of Landscape Photography .......Its Very Very Tuff. Like these Photographs..



 What is wrong with these Pictures. Simple they are not following the most Important Rules of Landscape Photography.  What are Those Rules ??
   1. Rule of Thirds (1/3) - This is very simple to understand , just draw 
                                                                " Tic Tac Toe " on your Photograph. 
Two Horizontal lines and two Vertical lines . # This will divide your Photograph in 9 equal parts ( It can be applied on any aspect ratio like 4x6in, 5x7in, 8x10in or even 16:9 HD ) . Now you have one Line on the upper 1/3rd of your Photograph and another at Lower 1/3rd of Photograph, they are 
Horizon Line (BLUE LINES) 
and 2 vertical lines 90* degree to horizon lines.
Place where lines meet each Other at 4 intersecting points , they are
 "Point of interest (RED CIRCLES) "

We need to keep the Horizon on the Upper or Lower 1/3rd Line and any subject or interesting  thing in Photograph should be on the any of the 4 points of Interest.
This is the First and the most powerful rule. 
Point of interest is a place in a frame where human eye and brain give max emphasis when you see a photograph. Rule of Thirds can be applied on any photograph and for all practical reasons it can be applied on all types of photography not just The Landscape. 

2. Horizon - This the line where your Sky meets the Earth in Photograph, we need to keep Horizone straight (No Tilt at all). In the Photograph  No1,  Horizon is Tilted that is why its a  not good. (One Should always match the Horizontal line of Horizon with Whatever  Vertical object available in the scene , it should be almost 90* degree to Horizon like Tree stem or a wall or pole etc.)

3.  Sense of Depth  -  Always try to add a Human subject in your Landscape Photograph , It gives a Sense of Depth or idea about the Size of the Landscape when viewers compare it with human size.   If we do not have a Human subject available for this comparison then It can be  Animal subject / House / or even a Electric Pole any article whose size is well known to all of us.  

Normal Landscape 

 Better Landscape
See The Difference 

   Their are many more rules for landscape But i feel " Rule of Thirds " Horizon and Sense of Depth are the most important needed to be clear . Please practice these 100 times before reading further about landscape Photography.

4. Lead Lines - Any lines or patern of line if present in side the landscape 

SHOULD NOT START FROM CORNER but it must GO TOWARD THE CENTER of the Frame predominantly. 

Watch the Lines on the Road

5. Subject Entry - Any Human subject or a important element in your photograph 
                                               Should make ENTRY IN THE FRAME not exit. try to place your point of interest or human subject or any thing in your photograph in such a way that they should make their ENTRY in the frame Not Exit. 

 Correct Photograph
Subject is making entry in the frame because she is facing & walking toward the Center of the frame .

 Wrong Photograph
Subject is making a Exit from the frame because he is walking Out with Body facing outside the frame.

These are few Rules which makes The Landscape Photograph looks better then others. please try and discussion and suggestions are welcome on my e.mail and on this Blog.


© Dr.Mousam Jefferin 2012